Determine a key point person who will create all social media posts (to avoid two team members overlapping in post content or posting at the same time to the same media). You can also assign different team members to post to different social media channels (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to make sure there is no overlap.
Assign someone on your team to monitor social media during the event and to respond to people who tag or mention your event. Also, make sure to quickly respond to live video comments and live post comments during and after the event. This is very important as you don’t want to engage people only to leave them hanging.
6. Be Over-Prepared
In terms of equipment and planning, It’s always better to be over-prepared to cover social media management services at an event.
Batteries get drained and SD cards run out of memory. We suggest bringing portable phone chargers, extra SD cards and camera batteries, and charging your cameras and phones the night before.
It’s also handy to have extra lighting on hand, so you don’t have to use a flash. This can be a ring light or your phone’s flashlight. If you’re going to record audio or do on-camera interviews, you’ll also want to invest in a portable mic or lavalier.
If possible, request to get the event program in advance, so your social media team knows the timing of activities and can anticipate the key hero shots that need to be taken.
Another key tip is to research your social media hashtags and mentions in advance. You don’t want to have to research hashtags on location which can really slow things down, and you never want to be caught using the wrong hashtag or excluding a key person or company from posts.
7. Incorporate Live Videos
We discussed the benefits of trendy live videos in our Social Trends blog, which still rings true for events. Shooting a live video is a great way to connect with people who couldn’t attend the event. We recommend hosting a live video during entertainment or other key points of the event’s program.
8. Centralize the Content
Determine a central location (i.e. a dropbox account or similar) where all social media content will be uploaded and reviewed immediately after the event. This will make it easier for team members to review all the content in one area and speed up the process of creating post event videos and posts.
9. Plan Ahead for Post-Event Social Media Posting
Just like our #1 tip above, it pays to plan out what and where to post to maintain the buzz after the event. Your social media marketing team will have accumulated a load of content that you can use as an event wrap up, a #TBT post, or a highlight reel for the next event.
- A nice conclusion and a way to maintain the buzz after an event is to have a wrap-up post. It could be a collage of the best shots from the evening with copy that sums up how successful the event was. This type of post is perfect for fundraisers and launch parties.
- #TBT posts can give your team the opportunity to post the great images you acquired during the event that you didn’t previously get a chance to post.
- A highlight reel is also a great tool to allow people to relive or see how exciting and successful a past event was. Also, it makes great promotional content because it gets people buzzing about how you or your client will top the last event.
If you’re looking for help with your Hawaii Social Media Marketing Management, give Team Vision a call at (808) 536-0416, or check out samples of our social media work in our extensive online marketing portfolio at
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Read More Team Vision Blog Posts on Social Media:
“Social Media Marketing Tips”
“Social Media Trends – May 2018”