Ka’anapali Beach Hotel – Gen Y Radio

Ka’anapali Beach Hotel (KBH) has been a client of Team Vision for nearly ten years and we have overseen their print advertising, web site design and maintenance, photo shoots, brochures and collateral, and online marketing programs.  KBH was an early adopter of our Genergraphics’ marketing programs which  utilize generational-targeted marketing campaigns designed to zero in the messaging to a specific generation in order to increase conversions and eliminate wasted media dollars.   For this campaign, we developed a series of web sites and radio commercials which ran in West Coast feeder markets to Hawaii.  Each radio spot targeted a very specific generation and spoke to the audience using their language and their terminology.  In addition, each radio spot drove the user to a generation-specific web site that used colors, fonts, language and call-to-actions that would appeal to each unique generation.   The following radio spot was produced for the Gen-Y market.

Campaign details

KBH Radio

Client:  Ka’anapali Beach Hotel

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